après-shampoing volumisant


Pittaaprès-shampoing volumisant

Best Seller

Pour les cheveux fins qui peuvent s'affiner ou perdre leurs cheveux et qui aspirent à un volume et un volume instantanés et durables . Épaissit chaque mèche, transforme la force et protège de la casse tout en restaurant un volume léger et une belle maniabilité.

*Un vendu chaque minute


260ml / 9.2 fl. oz.

Dépensez £35.00 pour profiter de la livraison offerte !

+98% Naturellement
ingrédients dérivés

Végétalien et
sans cruauté

Convient aux cheveux colorés et traités

Sans sulfate ni silicone

+98% Naturellement
ingrédients dérivés

Végétalien et
sans cruauté


D'inspiration ayurvédique
soins capillaires sur mesure

How it works

Un après-shampooing enrichissant à 98 % naturel avec le fruit Haritaki utilisé en médecine ayurvédique pour renforcer et nourrir les cheveux.

L'amidon de pomme de terre améliore l'épaisseur pour un volume accru , l'huile de graines de macadamia ajoute de l'éclat et la gluconolactone antioxydante aide à protéger contre l'oxydation induite par les UV.

Naturellement parfumé avec un mélange d'huiles essentielles, dont le géranium, le jatamansi de l'Himalaya, le néroli et Petitgrain (orange amère), pour favoriser la force et la résilience .

Customer Reviews

Based on 1070 reviews
Shiny volumous hair

Smells lovely. You don't need much shampoo at all to create a lot of foam, especially with the scalp shampoo brush. Conditioner makes hair shiny with lots of bounce. Worth trying for fixing flat and thinning hair

Best shampoo I've used for a long time!

Been using this shampoo now for a while. I find it helps to make my hair feel thicker, it also makes styling a lot better and lasts longer between shampoos.

Pam Eyles
Love it.

Since using this my hair is so much healthier.

Pitta Volumising Shampoo

Have used this shampoo for quite a while and would definitely not change. My hair is very fine and due to my age is thinning so I do need something to give a little oomph!! Thoroughly recommend this shampoo with the added bonus of not having anything nasty in it. Have previously tried other so called volume shampoos but this is the only one that works.

Instant difference in my hair

I have had fine, flat hair all my life and more recently have been experiencing a deterioration in the condition of my hair, hair loss and breakage - this has been hard and impacted my self esteem. I took a punt on the Champo pitta range. I was impressed from the first wash, with my hair looking and feeling better than it has done for months! My hair and scalp feel nourished and my hair looks healthier and shinier than ever before. I am still experiencing hair loss but perhaps not as much as I have been. I have also been using the growth serum for about 4 weeks but it’s too soon to tell if there is any sign of regrowth. I will persevere. Point of note, the shampoo does not lather in the same way traditional shampoos do, but don’t be put off. My hair is clean and nourished after every wash.

Works well with

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